The Staudacher S-300D aircraft has been in operation since 1993, with a limited production of nine S-300 series aircraft. While the planforms and dimensions remain the same across the series, each aircraft is customized to meet the specific needs of the pilot by its builder, John Staudacher. The aircraft is designed with composites that ensure both lightweight and durability. Each aircraft is capable of handling intense maneuvers at a range of plus or minus twenty times the force of gravity while being powered by 330 H.P. and weighing less than 1,600 lbs. This aircraft offers a captivating performance with a climb rate exceeding 4,000 feet per minute.
Responding promptly to the pilot’s stick movements, the S-300D gives off a well balanced control feel, making this aircraft a favorite among pilots. While producing instant response, the lightness allows for minimal chance of over controlling, coupled with smooth enough movement not to overwhelm the pilot. Surprisingly, the S-300D can perform inverted flights with just a slight forward pressure on the stick. With no need for adjustment as its speed shifts during the aircraft’s performance range, the aircraft remains unaffected by cross winds.