Tomark is an aircraft manufacturer located in Prešov, Slovakia that was founded in 1995. The company specializes in designing and producing ready-to-fly ultralight aircraft. The company operates under the legal status of a Společnost s ručením omezeným (sro), which is a Slovak private limited company. Previously, the company worked on mechanical engineering for industries such as automotive production. TomarkAero is the division responsible for the production of its aircraft designs. The first design the company produced was the Tomark Viper SD4, a two-seat, low-wing aircraft that was approved by the American Federal Aviation Administration as an approved special light-sport aircraft in 2010. The company then introduced the Tomark Skyper GT9, a two-seat, high-wing ultralight in 2014, designed for flight training and touring, created in compliance with various countries’ aircraft rules, including the Czech UL2-1, ELSA, and German LTF-UL rules. Tomark has produced two aircraft designs to date, the Tomark Viper SD4 and the Tomark Skyper GT9.